TMJ TMD Treatment

Do you feel pain around your jaw joint or hear a clicking, popping sound when you open or close your mouth? Maybe you often experience ear pain or headaches that radiate throughout your face. This might indicate that something is wrong with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects your jawbone to your skull. Few people realize that a sleep disorder could be the culprit behind their chronic jaw pain and dysfunction. At Luna Wellness Centre, we use a combination of treatments to strengthen your jaw muscles and clear any oral obstructions causing your disordered sleep. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation.

What Causes a Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)?

We each have two temporomandibular joints (TMJs), one on either side of our jaw. These joints are crucial because they connect our jawbone to the temporal bones on the sides of our skull, acting much like hinges. This design allows us to freely talk, chew, and move our mouths. Keeping these joints healthy is essential for comfortable jaw movement and overall functionality.

Understanding the reasons behind chronic pain and discomfort in the TMJs can be complex. Several factors might contribute to this discomfort. For instance, teeth grinding puts extra pressure on these joints, leading to pain. Physical injuries, whether from sports or accidents, can also lead to TMJ disorders. Genetic factors might make some people more susceptible to these issues. In addition, conditions such as arthritis can degrade the cartilage in the joints, causing pain and making jaw movement difficult.

Our team of dentists explores these various causes to accurately diagnose the problem. This allows them to offer effective treatments that relieve pain and help restore normal jaw movement.

Signs That You May Have TMD

Some of the most common symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction include:

Pain in your jaw, especially when you chew or first thing in the morning.

Clicking or popping noise from your jaw joint when you open/close your mouth.

Your jaw sometimes feels stuck or locked.

Pain in your ear without any sign of an ear infection.

Difficulty or pain while chewing harder foods.

Fatigue or pain in your face (it originates around your jaw and extends to your cheeks).

Numbness in your face or jaw.

Frequent tension-type headaches.

Your jaw swings to one side instead of moving straight up and down (when you open your mouth).

Aching or stiffness in your neck and shoulders.

Your jaw joint area is tender to the touch.

Sudden change in how your teeth fit together when you bite down.

Sometimes, you feel unsteady or dizzy periodically (unrelated to other medical conditions).

Ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears (tinnitus).

Pain in your teeth (not caused by dental problems).

If these symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to see us at Luna Wellness Centre. Your TMD might be causing your sleep apnea, so the sooner you get evaluated, the faster we can help you improve your sleep health.

Link Between TMD and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

When your jaw joint and surrounding muscles are dysfunctional, it means there’s a misalignment or instability in the very structure of your jaw. This impacts how well your jaw supports your upper airway when sleeping. When the jaw is not properly aligned, it might not maintain an open and stable airway, particularly in a relaxed sleep state. This contributes to it collapsing or becoming obstructed (partially or completely), which is a hallmark of obstructive sleep apnea.

Some of the muscle tension and discomfort associated with TMD could encourage you to sleep in positions that might worsen airway obstruction, such as on your back. This position allows the lower jaw and tongue to fall back towards the throat, further narrowing the airway.

So, if you have TMD symptoms and have not been sleeping well, there is a possibility that your temporomandibular joint is contributing to the risk or severity of sleep apnea. Leaving your condition unaddressed will only make your sleep worse, which then increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems, to name a few.

We at Luna Wellness Centre see patients of all ages to assess jaw issues and potential sleep-related breathing problems. We are general dentists, we are trained to provide oral health treatments and have expertise in sleep disorders. We know what to look for to treat the root cause. 

How We Can Help

Our practitioners recognize that all systems in your body are interconnected. For instance, your dental health is related to your sleep and vice versa. During your visit, we discuss all the symptoms you are experiencing, from jaw, face, or neck pain to difficulties in fully opening your mouth or your energy levels throughout the day. We’ll also want to know about habits that might impact your jaw, such as frequent teeth grinding (bruxism).

A physical examination is then conducted to assess your jaw and surrounding areas for any signs of discomfort or tenderness. We look at how your jaw moves, how your teeth come together when you bite, and physical signs of teeth grinding or clenching. You may be asked to perform a series of movements with your jaw—opening and closing it, moving it from side to side, and other actions. This helps us observe the range of motion and pinpoint any movements that cause discomfort or produce noise.

In some cases, we might use diagnostic imaging (X-rays, MRI, or CT scans) to get a clear picture of the structures within your jaw. This helps us better understand the root cause of your symptoms and plan an effective treatment.

Depending on your condition, we may prescribe a custom-made oral appliance to help position your jaw to alleviate pressure on the joint and keep the airway open during sleep. Oral appliance therapy has shown incredible results for our patients who have TMD, both with or without obstructive sleep apnea. 

After the oral examination, we determine the best kind of appliance – similar to a mouthguard – to provide you lasting relief and “correct” your jaw and airway obstruction.

TMJ Appliance and Sleep Apnea Solutions for All Ages

A personalized dental appliance by Luna Wellness Centre can be an effective treatment for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Based on the cause of your temporomandibular joint dysfunction, we may provide an appliance that slightly repositions your lower jaw (mandible) forward to reduce pressure on the TMJ by creating more space for the joint to move without causing pain. 

This appliance will also act as a physical barrier between the upper and lower teeth, preventing teeth grinding and jaw clenching. It minimizes the wear and tear on your teeth and reduces the strain on your jaw muscles and joints, further helping to ease TMJ pain and protect the teeth from damage. Over time, you will see a noticeable and a more comfortable chewing experience. 

We take a holistic approach to your health, so our TMJ appliances usually go hand-in-hand with physical therapy exercises to boost your long-term health. If TMJ pain is beginning to take a toll on your daily activities – whether or not you have sleep apnea – reach out to us at Luna Wellness Centre. Taking action as early as possible is key to preventing chronic pain, deterioration of joint function, and the need for more invasive treatments later on. 

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