Snoring Treatment

Almost everyone snores occasionally, and naturally, the issue gets brushed off as if there is nothing to worry about. Snoring happens because the soft tissues in our throat vibrate when we breathe in our sleep. These parts relax too much and start to flutter, producing a vibration and emitting the sound we know as snoring.

For some people, however, there is more to it. If you snore every night persistently and the sound is conspicuously loud, it could be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA causes interruptions in your breathing, thus preventing your body from entering the deep, restorative phases of sleep you need. Persistent snoring is one of the most common symptoms of OSA. Please contact Luna Wellness Center today to learn whether your snoring could be connected to this sleep disorder.

How to Tell if Snoring Indicates Sleep Apnea

Look out for these signs:

Waking up suddenly because you are choking or gasping for air.

Starting your day with headaches quite often.

Feeling extremely tired or sleepy all the time, even after 7-8 hours of sleep.

Experiencing heart-related issues, like heart disease, high blood pressure, or strokes.

Going through mood swings, getting easily annoyed, or feeling down more than usual.

Having trouble focusing on tasks.

Need to get up to go to the bathroom often during the night.

Noticing a decrease in your libido or a lack of interest in intimate activities.

Gaining weight or having trouble losing weight suddenly despite following a balanced diet.

Feeling restless during sleep.

Having a higher sensitivity to pain or discomfort throughout your body.

Snoring, combined with any of these symptoms, could mean that you have obstructive sleep apnea. The only way to be sure is to undergo a sleep study, either in your home or at a certified sleep lab.

Choose a Reliable Home Sleep Study to Check if Your Snoring is Related to Sleep Apnea

Our team at Luna Wellness Centre guides you toward the correct type of test to order based on your symptoms. All you need to do is come in to pick it up, set it up as directed, and wear the device while you sleep for 1-3 nights. The results are automatically uploaded so our trusted partners can analyze them in less than a week.

Our partners review these findings to understand your breathing effort, heartbeat, and rhythm, how you breathe, how your body moves, any snoring, and how much oxygen is in your blood. This tells us if your snoring is a standalone issue or a companion to sleep apnea.

Oral Appliance Therapy: Non-Invasive Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Whether you have sleep apnea or just snore, a custom-made oral appliance might be the solution you need to breathe easier (and quieter!) at night. These small appliances move your lower jaw or tongue forward while you sleep to keep your airway open and prevent the soft tissues in your throat from collapsing, which causes you to snore.

There are different types of devices, but they all serve the same purpose: maintaining a clear path for air to flow in and out of your lungs. You may be prescribed an appliance that targets your jaw and moves it forward or one that keeps your tongue from falling back. Or we may suggest a combination design based on your dental anatomy.

Let Us Help You Manage Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Discovering you have obstructive sleep apnea does not mean you are stuck with two separate treatments for snoring and the condition itself. One thoughtfully designed and medically approved oral appliance from Luna Wellness Centre is enough to address each of your symptoms, including snoring and teeth grinding. If you would like to learn more about how to test for sleep apnea at home or if oral appliance therapy is a practical option for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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